It has indeed been a while since the last update and I just couldn't bring myself to go to bed before posting one. Thanks for gentle nudging, guys.
First and foremost, I must direct your attention to the fifth issue of superstar artist Fiona Staples' Wildstorm series HAWKSMOOR. Not only does it continue the awesome tale of Jack in San Francisco, but Fiona was nice enough to sneak in the logo for everyone's favorite indie comic studio with a name that rhymes: Vicious Ambitious! Thanks, Fiona! And congrats on wrapping up the book. (She drew the shit out of it!)(...that's a good thing.)
Next up is a peek at a pic I'm working on of Man Crush #24: Racer X from Speed Racer. I just saw the movie last night and my god wow. (insert horrible mental image of eyeballs ejaculating here) What a visual feast. And I couldn't stop grinning every time Matthew Fox was on screen. He's just so badass! So awesome! Anyways, I'm hoping to get this pic all inked up sometime soon...
Then we have Gary, the soon to be star of my Rocket Juice story, SPACE NINJA MONKEY FACE. Did I mention it'll be inked by none other than Cognoman!?! Of course I have. I'm just really excited.
And lastly, my #1 favorite superhero of all time (at the moment): Daredevil. I drew this at a party. Not my usual time and place to decide to do some drawing, but sometimes you get the itch and you just can't help but scratch it.
Exciting news: I'm working on some full color comic strips for an ad agency and it's turning out to be a lot of fun. Will post when finished. And what of Holiday Men? Still working on layouts. Sorry Foley.
You already know how giddy I am about the logo being in that book. So awesome, very awesome. Thanks to Fiona for sure!
Congrats again on your new gig drawing strips and getting paid to draw!
Talk to you soon.
Racer X!! Oooooh, he's so mysterious. I'm glad you finally saw Speed Racer. Did you manage to download it? Because I pre-ordered the DVD but it doesn't come out until September and I don't know if I can wait that long, especially since the movie itself killed my attention span for good. Just try watching "The Assassination of Jesse James" after you've seen Speed Racer. It can't be done!!
Ok, I couldn't sit through Jesse James even with my pre-SR attention span.
Anyway... DD looks great too, very "street" with his wiry physique and stubble.
Um, also, annotated list of man-crushes #1-23, please.
I cant wait to see Space Ninja Monkey face. His design is wicked man. I need to see more, cause I want to do some Monkey face fan art.
Fiona: Glad you think DD looks "streets." That's when he's at his best as a character in my mind. Perhaps because I'm from the streets as well...
Also: working on list of man crushes.
Dan: will get ass in gear re: Rocket Juice. Can't wait to see these cats in your style!
Hey, nice stuff. You might like Bill Wray's website
Thanks, Don! Bill Wray's stuff is great. I've gotta learn to color...
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