If you haven't heard, me and Andrew F***in' Foley (the twisted and talented writer of Parting Ways and Done to Death) are working on the most ass-kickingest webcomic in the galaxy and its called the Holiday Men. It updates every Tuesday on chemsetcomics.com. So go there. View it. Enjoy it.
And here's a sneak peek at a panel from said awesome webcomic. It's from page 12 and precedes a horrible act of vehicular carnage that was immense amounts of fun to create. Jacko is my fave character to draw at the moment, probably because I get to draw him the least. Drawing the inside of a van was harder than I thought. Photo reference helped immensely, as it usually does.
Oooh! And I also added links to some very talented folk living in Alberta. The only exception being Paul Maybury, who's book Aqua Leung is released in April. I await it with bated breath.